Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1 Week Down

Well, yesterday was 1 week of commuting to work, with a workout ride on the weekend. All and all it went very well so far and I am getting the hang of commuting again. Commuting on a bike is not that difficult, it just takes some discipline (i.e. getting up a bit earlier and getting home a bit later) and a little bit of planning (i.e. what do you absolutely need to carry each day).

While I'm not saying I've gotten back into shape in only a weeks time but I do feel stronger each day and I can see my ride time to/from work slowly coming down. I weighed myself last night and I've lost 2lbs over the week which is probably a healthy amount and hopefully a trend I can keep up. I also looked at my bike computer and realized that I rode 98-2 miles (do the math) over the course of my first week. 24 miles was a ride with my old friend Rich who I hadn't seen in quite awhile. It was good to catch up with him and I felt pretty strong on the ride.

While San Diego is not known for cold weather, it does get cool in the mornings and evenings so this weekend I stopped by REI to pick up a light for my bag and ended up buying a warmer jacket for the upcoming colder rides (Novara Headwind Bike Jacket). I'm pretty excited to try it out for the first time but the nice weather seems to be holding so I will stay with my other jacket.

Today, a good friend from work gave me a six-pack of home-brewed beer to try out. The problem was though, I got it at work so I had to carry it home. A six-pack doesn't weigh much until you have to strap it to your back for the 8.5 mile commute home with 2 hills. Although, part way through the ride, I was able to adjust my bag to balance the load a bit better. That is one thing I have found with the messenger bag, arranging the load is critical.

That is all I have for now, I'm hoping to keep this going but for now, my posts may be here and there. Hopefully I can add some photos occasionally too.

Stay safe out there

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