Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1 (Commuting Begins)

As many of you know, I love cycling but only do it on a part-time basis; today's effort highlighted that fact when I almost threw up a lung. Since I decided to start commuting on my bike today, I thought I would start a blog about my experiences and random thoughts I have while biking.

While this blog is to share my experiences, I am also using it as a tool to keep myself motivated and accountable. I'm just sharing a few stats as a way to document my current state to compare it to some points in the future.

Age: 35

Height: 5'9" (69 inches)

Weight: 197 lbs (I'm a foodie and love the cocktails. I'm hoping to see this drop. I was in the Dr.'s office the other day and saw that to reach a healthy BMI, I need to get under 170 lbs. I doubt I can get under that but it is a good goal.)

Bike: Trek 5200, it is 5 years old and unfortunately probably doesn't have 5K miles on it

Messenger Bag: Chrome Citizen (really like it but need to get used to a few things)

Commute: ~17.5 miles round trip with 1 hill going and 2 hills coming back

Well, that is about it for now, not a great post but need to get going because Sarah is currently making martinis (I'm so excited to have her home) and we need to figure out vacation plans.

I'm not convinced on the name of the Blog so feel free to suggest things.

1 comment:

  1. The second to last paragraph explains paragraph five. Looking forward to hearing your random musings...and mocking them!
